21st Century Community Learning Center
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program is to provide federal funds for communities to establish or expand activities in community learning centers that operate during out-of-school hours and serve three specific purposes:
To provide opportunities for academic enrichment and tutorial services to help students
To offer students a broad array of additional services, programs, and activities that are designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program; and
To offer families of 21st CCLC students opportunities for active and meaningful engagement in their children's education.
This page as well as the TECCS App, all of our social media handles, and emails will serve as excellent resources to keep track of the goings on in the program. I am excited to serve the children of the community that holds such a special place in my heart. I look forward to watching your children learn and grow!
Yesenia Natera
21st CCLC Project Director

21st CCLC Clickable Resources
21st Century Community Learning Center Overview
21st CCLC Parent/Student Handbook
21st CCLC 2024-2025 Handbook Acknowledgement Form**Class selection form will be made available after submission of the enrollment form*